Numerous rays of inspiration fuel the spirit of's an incomplete list :
- A Nagaraj (Madhyastha Darshan, Jeevan Vidya "Life is co-existence. All our problems can be solved if we can understand the meaning of co-existence") Website
- Aurobindo ("Everyone has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength in however small a sphere which God offers him to take or refuse. The task is to find it, develop it & use it.") Wiki Auroville Universal City
- Basho ("Old pond, the frog jumps in, Plop ! ") Wiki Haikus
- Bhagwat Geeta ("Human beings suffer for they think they are doers, while the truth is that only three qualities(Gunas) of nature do everything") Wiki Download
- Bill Morrison and David Holmgren ("Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex,the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”) Wiki Permaculture
- Crude Politics ("Selfish and Crude Politics that only wants to dominate and win over others can not save the world from ruining")
- Dhabolkar and Deepak Suchde ("Nature has given plenty for all, even the poorest. All we need to learn from nature is how to get it.") Wiki Natueco Farming
- Dr. A. N. Nagaraj ("Unless someone kills me in an accident, I am gonna live healthy upto 120 years. We all can do so if only we take a Healing diet and adapt right attitudes in life.") Facebook The Book
- Endangered Species (From WWF - Every year we are loosing anywhere between 200 to 2000 species forever...a lot of it is attributed not to natural extinction but to human activities) Wiki List of lost species in a Decade
- Fireflies ("Oh ! Is it magic or miracle of that firefly in the night sky !" , How can one look at a firefly and not forget everything for a moment ?)
- Fuel crisis ("We have polluted atmosphere with CO2 in unprecedented quantity,this will prove to be suicidal)
- Fukuoka ("Failure is inevitable. Commercial agriculture has taken us away from nature (GOD) and we have strayed away from the basic principles of agriculture and living.") Wiki Download (One straw Revolution)
- Gautam Buddha ("No one can save us but ourselves, No one can liberate us. We ourselves must walk the path") Wiki Vipassana
- Gurdjieff and Ouspensky ("Man is living a life in deep sleep though he may think he is awake. As he is , he is nothing more than a machine..but there exists possibility of him gaining higher states of consciousness, only then life becomes real else it's just a dream." ) Wiki Gurdjieff Foundation
- Hope ("Though problems look daunting, situation looks hopeless and end looks near; Hope has always helped humanity win.")
- Innocent children ("What world are we leaving behind for our children ? ")
- Inner restlessness ("Give me money, give me fame, give me everything you can; something still feels unsettling, something remains incomplete.")
- J Krishnamurti ("When one loses the deep intimate relationship with nature, then temples, mosques and churches become important.") Wiki JK Foundation
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull ("Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation.") Wiki
- Khalil Jibran (“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.”) Wiki The Prophet
- Mahtama Gandhi ("Be the change you want to see in the world.") Wiki Website
- Media controlled culture ("Our attitudes, habbits and preferences are primarily set and controlled by Media. We may be aware or not but most of what we think of, believe in is told to us by Mass Media. It'll require special preparation if one wants to escape the trap." )
- Osho ("Life is constant celebration....if you can dance, you are already the Buddha; if you can celebrate, you are already Mohammed; if you can be blissful, you are Jesus.") Wiki Discourses Ebooks
- Ramana Mahirishi ("Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.") Wiki Website
- Rich-Poor Divide ("(CNBC) 1% of richest people own 39% of Global Wealth, richest 5% have income 114 times of poorest 5%) More info Article
- Rumi ("Out beyond the rightdoings and wrongdoings, there is a field. I will meet you there.") Wiki Website
- The birds in the Sky ("Birds inspire me to fly, to live in this moment - here and now. Birds show me how to live and how to stretch my wings beyond the horizons")
- Unhappy world (" Material wealth has grown, GDPs have gone up, Roads, hospitals, colleges, schools, cars have increased tremedously in number. However our joys and peace have touched all time low. Why ?")
- Vipassana ("A simple and powerful meditation and a way of life that can be life changing to say the least." ) Website
- Zen (" I eat when I am hungry, I sleep when I am sleepy and that's my meditation." ) Wiki